
Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 63: Speaking of things to do before 40...

Vitruvian Mike (I would have made it bigger but that's a lot of cartoon penis coming at ya)
I started My Shakespeare Year as a way to give myself a kick in the pants to fulfill my childhood ambition of reading all of Shakespeare's plays before I turn 40. I figured if I waited until I was 39 there was a pretty good chance I wouldn't make it (I have a proven track record of procrastinating when it comes to reading Shakespeare).

In the same vein of "things to do before we turn 40," my partner Mike started his own personal improvement project. Around the middle of January he realized there were just over 1000 days until his 40th birthday. As such, he decided to set himself a series of challenges in the form of 100 ten-day projects to improve his physical, mental, cultural or all-around awesomeness. Things like "learn to play lacrosse" or "read the works of Mark Twain" or "improve my flexibility so I can touch my toes." And of course, his first project was "start a blog about it."

You can check out his fairly awesome and impressive (in a wish-I'd-thought-of-that kind of way) blog here:

BTW--It's called "Vitruvian Manifesto" as a reference to da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" because Mike had the notion that he was turning himself into a Renaissance Man, or at least a little bit. He had intended that the above graphic would show various tools and implements in each of his hands--an electric drill, a lacrosse stick, a book, etc.--but he's not that great at graphics. He might have put it on his list though, so he might change his logo before the 1000 days are up.

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