
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110: And finally...What I Learned: Julius Caesar (Part 2 of 2)

I finally finished Julius Caesar...again. Technically, I suppose I could have skipped it altogether, considering I definitely read it in high school so I don't need to read it again in order to check it off my list. But I didn't like the idea of skipping over plays just because I had read them before. It seemed not to fit the spirit of the project.

So what did I learn the second time around? Probably less than I did the first time, back when I had weeks of class discussions, handouts, additional reading and a teacher explaining everything to me line by line. But I did learn that Julius Caesar has a LOT of great dialogue and that it is impossible to go through life without having heard at least some of it (Et tu, Brute? Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...Beware the Ides of March...).

I also learned that if Caesar had just listened to his wife none of this would have happened. She TOLD him it was a bad idea for him to go out that day. But did he listen? NOOoooo. And look where it got him.

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