
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Twelve-year-old me is VERY demanding

Between now and March 1, 2016 (the day before my 40th birthday) I have the following plays left to read if I want to achieve my goal of completing all of Shakespeare's plays before I turn 40.

  1. All’s Well That Ends Well* 
  2. Measure for Measure*
  3. Henry IV, Part II 
  4. The Merry Wives of Windsor 
  5. Henry V 
  6. Henry VI, Part I* 
  7. Henry VI, Part II  
  8. Henry VI, Part III 
  9. Richard III 
  10. Henry VIII* 
  11. Troilus and Cressida 
  12. Timon of Athens*
  13. Edward III** 
  14. Two Noble Kinsmen** 

*believed to be a collaboration between Shakespeare and another playwright
**not in the Shakespeare canon but still attributed to him

This plan was an idea I came up with when I was 12 and, let me tell you, 12-year-old me is a demanding task master. Unfortunately, 22-year-old through to 38-year-old mes were all pretty big procrastinators, so I'm well behind schedule. 

Can I do it? Well, since it's the only childhood life goal I ever set for myself that I'm even attempting (I'm not, for instance, a fashion designing nun who can fly somehow), I think I owe it to child me to at least give it a go.

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